torstai 13. lokakuuta 2011

Unto Mononen-Satumaa tango(Wonderland)

Unto Mononen has composed the Wonderland tango. When he was not yet 20-year-old, he lost his singing voice because his tonsil surgery failed. Then he started composing. In 1949 he composed and wrote lyrics to Wonderland when he was 19-years old. Henry Theel has performed Wonderland in 1955. His version never came well-known version.
Reijo Taipale has made the most famous version in 1962. The Wonderland tango is a very well-known tango because it's the most typical played tango in stage dances. Maybe all stage dance bands must be able to play this song. Typical Finnish tangos are clear and people can find a clear rhythm. We have tangofestival in Finland every summer. There people choose the best tango singer.
Reijo Taipale's version includes the basic popular song instruments: the drums, the bass, the guitar, the accordion, the violin and the vocal. The song's feeling is dreamy. Song's text tells about a wonderland and how people can go there. The rhythm is four quarters which is the most common in popular music.
I chose the Wonderland tango because I like finnish tangos.
Of course I have visited the tangofestival in Finland. Accordion is my favourite instrument. I also like Reijo Taipale's music. He is a good singer and he still sings in stage dances in Finland.

Jesse Kuusisto

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