keskiviikko 8. helmikuuta 2012

Erik Tulindberg (1761 – 1814)

Erik Tulindberg was born on the 22nd february 1761 in Vähäkyrö, a city in western Finland.

He was a finish composer and violin player who composed classical music. After his academic studies in Oulu he was ordered to the Royal Swedish Music Academy in 1797.

Conveyed as compositions are his 6 string quartets and one concert for violin.

All of his composed music was rediscovered over one hundred years after his death in 1814. His musical was influenced by the composers Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Joseph Haydn.

Further information on Tulindberg's string quartets and his life you can get here .

For further information on Tulindberg in different languages you can the visit the multilingual archive  .

Audio sample: From the string quartet "From winter to spring"

matthiasreuss (teacher)

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