perjantai 10. helmikuuta 2012


For approximately 20 pies


2 dl water
4 dl rye flour
1 dl white flour
1 tsp salt

Rice filling:

4 dl short-grain rice
2 liters milk
5 dl water
1 tsp salt
2 tbs butter


(water or milk)

Egg-Butter Spread:

8 hard-boiled eggs
150 gr butter
½ tsp salt

Rice filling:
Bring water to a boil in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Add the rice and cook until the water is absorbed. Add milk and bring to a boil whilst frequently stirring. Simmer at a low heat for approximately 30 - 40 minutes, until cooked. Season the rice porridge with salt and butter and set aside to cool.

Egg-Butter Spread:
Boil the eggs in water for at least 8 minutes. Rinse the boiled eggs under cold water and remove their shells. Use a fork to mash the eggs finely together with the soft butter, in a mixing bowl. Add some salt. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place into the fridge to cool.

Stir the flours and salt into water and knead into a solid dough. Form the dough into a bar on a well-floured baking board, and cut the bar into 20 pieces. Form little balls from the pieces and then flatten them. Sprinkle some rye flour onto the baking board, and with a rolling pin, roll a piece of the dough into as thin a round crust as possible. Place the ready-made crusts into two piles (sprinkle rye flour between them!). Cover the crusts with a kitchen towel to prevent them from becoming dry before all the crusts have been rolled.

When all the crusts are ready, fill the center of each crust with a thin layer of rice porridge. Fold the edges of the crusts and pinch tightly with your fingers forming oval shaped pies. (Turn the tips of the pies inwards to prevent them from burning during baking).

Place the pies onto a baking tray covered with greaseproof paper, and bake at 275 – 300 degrees Celsius for 10 - 15 minutes, until golden brown.

When the pies are removed from the oven, brush them with melted butter or a butter and water / milk mixture. Place the pies onto a greaseproof paper and cover with a kitchen towel to soften. (If you prefer a crispy crust, do not cover the pies!)

Serve the Karelian Pies warm together with the Egg-Butter Spread.

Tina Krause

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